Freedmen's Bureau Field Offices
This map marks the sites of Freedmen’s Bureau Field Offices and Contraband Camps. You can scroll in to see the sites nearest your area of research interest. When you click on a marker, you will see the microfilm rolls for that location. If the microfilms are online, you can click the link to go directly to the microfilm to begin reading!
You can also scroll down this page for a detailed tutorial on using the maps on this site.
Did You Know?
Did you know that the Freedmen’s Bureau records for most states, as well as Freedman’s Bank records, are available online? You can use our maps to see if the records for your area of research interest are online. If they are online, you can follow our links to begin reading right away! Scroll down to see how:
Using the Maps
Please note: the images below are screen shots to illustrate how to use the maps. They are not live maps.
To use the maps here, first click the View Map button for the map you wish to view:
The map will load:
Then use the controls in the upper left corner to enlarge the map (or use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom in) until you see your area of interest:
Click on an icon near your area of research interest:
The link will take you to where the microfilm is online:
Click on the link to the section you wish to read:
Start reading!
That’s it!
Ready to Start Reading?
You can click on the maps at the top of this page to get started! We hope the maps will help you access online records more easily, and encourage you to explore these very rich record sets. Happy reading!
If you find an ancestor in the records, we would love to hear from you! Please use our Contact Form to let us about your finds!